5 Ways To Do Pinterest Keyword Research

Since Pinterest is a search engine, you need to be strategic with your Pinterest marketing plan.
That’s why in this post, I want to share five major ways to do keyword research on Pinterest without the need for complicated tools or techniques.

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I’m pulling back the curtain to show the exact strategies I use to optimize my clients accounts.

At the end of this post, I have a video tutorial where I demonstrated five ways to do keyword research. Make sure to read all the way to the end and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel while you’re there. 

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1. Pinterest Categories

If you’re just starting out on Pinterest and don’t really know what keywords to use and what to name your boards, you can start out by going to pinterest.com/categories.

Select the category that relates to your business the most and go through the related topics in the category to see what’s out there.

As suggested in the video, you should go through the topics that relates to you the most and click on as many pins as you can, to see how Pinterest categorizes these topics.

After you’ve done your research, you can now write down keywords that relates to your business based on your research.

pinterest keyword tips

RELATED POST: How to do market research on Pinterest and spy on your competitors.

2. Search Bar

The most popular way to do research on Pinterest is often through the search bar. You simply put in a keyword and let Pinterest recommend related keywords to you.

You can also build long tail keywords and search phrases from the tabs Pinterest recommends. For example, if you search for “red wine”, Pinterest can recommend more keywords such as “types of”, “best”, “affordable”.

pinterest marketing for business

3. Ideas you might love or searches to try

After you do a search on Pinterest, you will be recommended a lot of pins, simply scroll down, and Pinterest will recommend more keyword ideas that its users are searching for. This is called “Ideas you may love or searches to try”.

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RELATED POST: How to set up a profitable Pinterest business account

4. Boards

If you’re looking for board names and board section ideas, you can put in a short tail keyword into the search bar, and instead of searching for pins, you will search for boards. It will pull up boards with that keyword and related keyword. Then, simply go create boards with those keywords.
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The fact that there are other boards with that keyword shows that your customers are searching for those keywords. Also if you click on a few of those boards, you will see how many followers it has. If there are boards with over 10,000 followers, it means that a lot of people are interested in that topic or keyword.

RESOURCE: Get these Pinterest Templates optimized to get you clicks and saves.

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5. Competitors Profile

Before setting up your profile, I always recommend looking up profiles in your niche. If you don’t know who your competitors are on Pinterest, Just enter a general keyword that relates to your business and click on a few profiles that come up.

Then go check out their profile, boards, pins, how they write their description, and the kind of keywords they’re using. Then, go create a similar profile, with information that relates to your business.

RESOURCE: Download my 20-point checklist that will help you set up a profitable Pinterest profile.

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By the way, I created a video that answers all these questions, please take a look and remember to subscribe to my channel. And if the video or blog post helped you out, please don’t hesitate to share it on your social media network.

Do you have additional questions I didn’t answer in the video? Please leave it in the comment section below.

5 ways to do keyword research on Pinterest
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